Who We Are

At Fresh Medical Recruitment, we specialise in providing temporary and permament NHS jobs, as well as roles within the Private Healthcare Sector. We are an approved supplier to three major frameworks, giving you direct access to Crown Commerical Services (CCS), Health Trust Europe (HTE), and NHS Scotland jobs. We're also a proud member of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), and the International Commissioners Office (ICO).

What We Do

Whether you're looking to fill a role, or are searching for jobs in healthcare for yourself, we always adopt a client-focused approach. We have a team of professional healthcare recruiters, specialised in various sectors of healthcare. This means we can tailor our service to fit your specific requirements, whatever they are.

Over 4,000 locum positions each week

We receive over 4,000 locum positions each week, and are confident we have the ideal locum job to match your availability and geographical requirements. We look forward to discussing your requirements and working with you to solve your employment needs. Look through our jobs, which are updated daily, to see what we have on offer today. Register with us today to receive an immediate response.

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